Friday, October 21, 2011

A DC Apartment part II...

Previously I wrote a post about an apartment in DC I was working on (  Well the final piece is now in and up.  Here you go:

It makes quite a difference.

And even the rod fits!

I would really have like to line the chair up in the center, but there just wasn't room, and of course, then the light would be way off center.  Sigh, sometimes it is good to remind myself that not everything needs to be perfectly symmetrical.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Follow up...

Just went to a client's house that I did some slipcovers for a sun-room (partially exposed) back in 2009.  Thought you might want to see them a few years later.  And yes, even the seat cushion with that sinuous curve is slip-covered .  

Click on the picture to make it bigger.
Would you like some slipcovers made?  It is getting too later for Thanksgiving, but I can probably still have them done before the winter holidays roll around.  Call or send an e-mail, I'm happy to help.